Principles of Unity

  • We envisage our venue as a powerful tool for social transformation, community building, control over local economies, and the ongoing development of radical alternatives.
  • We operate non-hierarchically, utilizing consensus and egalitarian methods of organization.
  • Our Collective is committed to creating an environment free from harassment, bigotry, and discrimination of all kinds.
  • The Collective recognizes the sovereignty of Indigenous peoples throughout the entirety of ‘British Columbia’ and the northwest ‘United States’ and supports the liberation struggles of displaced/colonized/oppressed peoples around the globe, such as the Sami, the Palestinians, the Kurds, the Uyghurs and others.
  • The Collective opposes racism and white supremacy.
  • The Collective supports a person’s bodily autonomy and reproductive rights, including the right to choose and gender-affirming care.
  • The Collective opposes patriarchy and misogyny.
  • The Collective stands in solidarity with those incarcerated or otherwise shackled by the State and supports the abolition of all prisons.
  • The Collective supports the collective self-liberation of all people from poverty and believes that socio-economic equality is integral to this goal.
  • The Collective does not recognize the authority of a State entity to deem people illegal.
  • In accord with the values of anti-authoritarianism, the Collective supports the freedom of people to determine their own destinies and opposes imperialist-driven wars.
  • The Collective is dedicated to overcoming the systemic ecological devastation caused by global industrial capitalism, which is predicated on an exploitative world view with deep roots in Western civilization.
  • We support the liberation of all people from social discrimination due to age, ability, class, race, gender identity and expression, and sexual orientation. We strive to create a space that celebrates and respects diversity.

Mission Statement

  • To promote anti-authoritarian and non-hierarchical activism through the distribution of radical publications and artwork (clothing, crafts, DVD’s, posters, etc.).
  • To provide a space for groups that agree with our Principles of Unity and Mission Statement to organize and meet in.
  • To promote critical analysis of and advocate for alternatives to the exploitative practices of capitalism, colonialism, imperialism and all other forms of exploitation.
  • To work cooperatively in association with other anti-authoritarian groups to educate, organize and strengthen our social commitments, both globally and locally.
  • We do not support political parties or candidates for political office: the Infoshop may not be used for electoral agendas.

Patch Up for Camas