*Please note: Camas Books does not accept unsolicited requests for funding by groups or individuals. If you are a anti-hierarchical collective that has a project that fits one of our themes, please consider applying during the next submission cycle.
February 17, 2025
We are announcing our 2nd year of the Camas Books & Infoshop Mutual Aid Microgrants Project! This year, we are giving microgrants of up to $2000 each. Submissions for grants will open March 1st, 2025, and end midnight on May 1st, 2025. Those selected will be contacted, with funds provided in July.
Please note, late or incomplete applications will not be considered.
What do I need to know before applying?
- All applicants must agree with our Principles of Unity and Mission Statement; funds will not be provided for projects related to or supporting political parties or electoral politics.
- Grant money will be going towards specific project expenses, and not to sustaining organizational overhead or salaries.
- If you do not need the maximum amount of the grant ($2000 CAD) please specify a lesser amount. And we will consider it. Applying for less allows us to support a broader range of projects.
- If you need accessibility support during the process of completing the application form, please email the Camas Collective at mutualaid@camas.ca any questions you may have as early in the application process as possible. Someone will be in touch with you asap.
We are interested in supporting community projects that would not gain funding from the state or from charities. As a collective ourselves, we favour giving funds to other collectives or community groups rather than to individuals or for-profit businesses. Please consider your collectivity (i.e., an anti-hierarchical group of at least 3 people) as a factor in your applications.
Please note that if your collective is awarded a Mutual Aid Microgrant from Camas Books, we request photodocumetation of your project for use in our social media and website promotions. We also encourage further relationship building through online sharing and post collaborations. Photos and text from the applications may be made public on our website and on social media. Please advise us if you do not want your names made public and provide photos appropriate to your privacy needs.
Here are some possible project themes our Mutual Aid Microgrants support:
- Indigenous Sovereignty/Resurgence Projects
- Allyship/Accompliceship Projects
- Food Security Projects
- Tenant’s Rights/Housing Security Projects
- Refugee/Migrant Support Projects
- Prison Abolition/Prisoner Support Projects
- Ecological Actions/Projects
- Disaster Response/Community Resiliency Projects
- Skillshares/ Consciousness Raising Non-State Educational Initiatives
- Activist Art/Radical Media Projects
- Anarchist Projects
There are three parts to this application:
- Application Form (submission below)
- Benchmark Calendar of Goals: We need to see you have thought through your plan of action and created a strategy. Please map out an outline of your plans, tasks, and goals with general and specific dates (if you know them). Please be aware that our disbursement of funding will not happen until JULY, so please plan your own calendars accordingly. See an example here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CivCrGCBgeEBG_ylFFA3lGfP8trA-2MoDgQQ21OtR9M/edit?usp=sharing
- Budget: We want to see that you have researched the expenses you require for your project. The more specific you can be about the details the better. Please review the example below and be sure to read all the comments embedded in it for guidance: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1NDDflE0-ExjxYPYPkSmem4kSYTVasEm_ZhmE0gRqsQo/edit?usp=sharing
Please construct your benchmarks and budgets using either a Google doc/spreadsheet file or Cryptpad (https://cryptpad.fr) and email your completed documents as an attachment to mutualaid@camas.ca along with your completed application form (submission below) before or on the May 1st deadline.
**For more information, please also review our FAQ, which will answer many additional questions: https://docs.google.com/document/d/16jSQx_HcC5gVNiRoHik1IY5qF_2PsBznDdjK4lQ9vDU/edit?usp=sharing
Camas Books Mutual Aid Microgrant Application Form Part One:
Please note this application does not automatically save. To avoid potential mishaps, we recommend you copy and paste this document into a word processing file to fill out your answers. Then, when you have completed your answers, return to the form to copy and paste your responses in.