The Camas Collective Infoshop
We are located on unceded Lkwungen territory, home of the Songhees and Esquimalt peoples. Camas was founded in 2007 to support the decolonization struggles of Indigenous peoples in the region known as British Columbia and beyond.
Please take the time to read our Principles of Unity to learn more about us and our values.
We are located at 2620 Quadra Street, Victoria, Bc on unceded Lkwungen Territory.
We are volunteer-run and collectively operated.
Our operating hours are 10am to 6pm everyday, including holidays (except maybe Xmas and New Year’s).

The collective is named in honour of the camas plant, which is cultivated and harvested as a root vegetable by the local Lekwungen people. With the advent of European colonialism, regional camas meadows were largely destroyed by cattle grazing, agricultural activity and urbanization. Recently, however, the Lekwungen have begun renewing their traditional harvest practices.
By naming our store after the camas flower, we are acknowledging the history of the territory on which our project is situated and the contemporary imperative for settlers to join the struggle against colonialism. The collective envisions the camas flower flourishing on this land once again, as ecological renewal, local sustenance, and food security are central to creating a world free of capitalism and colonialism.

Seeds of Revolution, Camas Books & Infoshop’s Podcast, Now Streaming on Apple, Spotify and YouTube.
Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/seeds-of-revolution/id1690275684
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/16rBcSz3vi2ge9waFyWKNU?si=0e614eebd52d4b85
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@camasbooksinfoshop3893/podcasts
We created Seeds of Revolution in order to, in the words of Angela Davis, grasp things by the root. Seeds of Revolution will feature discussions about anarchist ideas and books, and we will also seek to clarify the “why.” Traditional and for-profit media are quick to talk about “what” is happening, especially as it relates to elections, profits, and the comings and goings of people in power. But they are far slower and more hesitant to discuss the “why;” why climate change effects marginalized people most quickly and catastrophically. Why land acknowledgments and reconciliation committees haven’t dented the dramatic overrepresentation of indigenous peoples in Canadian prisons. Why the murderers of 40,000 Gazans and counting will never see the inside of a courtroom. Seeds of Revolution will focus on the root of problems confronting the people of Vancouver Island and around the world, and advocate for solutions to those problems fixed in an anti-capitalist, anarchist framework. We will also feature stories about painting, dance, literature, music, because art by its very inherent nature liberates the spirit from oppression.

Statement on Palestine, October 11, 2023
Camas Books and Infoshop is located on the unceded territories of the Lekwungen people.
We wish to express our utmost solidarity with victims of war who face unjust suffering and attack. We stand with the Palestinian people of Gaza, West Bank, and Jordan, as well as those in refugee camps and the wider diaspora displaced globally who are still awaiting their right of return. We support the Palestinian struggle for liberation and autonomy from the settler apartheid state of Israel that has brutally oppressed their community and other dissenters for many decades, and we condemn Israel’s bombardment of Gaza and the blockade that deprives Palestinians of basic necessities like food, water, and fuel. We recognize that political parties and governments are not representative of either Palestinian or Jewish peoples.
As an educational space, we advise being wary and critical of disinformation that aims to create selective outrage and division rather than building towards peace. Occupation, colonization and land theft are the root causes of conflict in Palestine. Direct action, and political resistance to settler violence is necessary. The dehumanization and targeting of vulnerable civilians is always unjustified and we reject any defense of it. It is grossly insensitive to advocate for war crimes in the privilege and comfort of our homes in Canada, and far away from facing the ensuing dangers. We have people in our collective who have experienced trauma and loss from occupation, war and resistance activism, and who have had their lives permanently altered in ways that many of us cannot imagine. We also have Jewish anarchists who are staunchly anti-zionist, and are committed to a free and just Palestine for everyone. We extend our compassion and sympathy for all innocent lives lost.
We will continue to advocate for solutions that support liberating Palestinians from colonial violence, and providing peaceful co-existence for all civilians.
Much love to everyone who is deeply affected by these events, and may we continue to hold strong the ideas of liberation, freedom and equity for all.
The Camas Collective, Oct 11, 2023
In Time of Conflict We Stand By Our Values
The Camas Collective is an educational society founded on anarchist, anti-authoritarian and decolonial values, and as such, we endeavour to bring resources to our community to help them expand their knowledge on many salient issues in the present day.
In relation to the current situation in Palestine, Camas Books maintains an anti-zionist and an anti-apartheid stance, and opposes religious fundamentalism in all its forms. We believe resistance to any occupation is far more nuanced than treating violence as a sport. Both foreign and domestic colonialism and wars of occupation should be resisted with direct action and without flattening struggles for liberation.Treating the struggle for liberation like a game reduces that struggle to an orientalist narrative.
As anarchists, we denounce genocide denial, and the dehumanization and targeting of any vulnerable civilian population. We will continue to speak out, educate, and inform about disinformation that justifies atrocities.
Camas Books is not a static collective. Growth is constant and we are always learning from each other and our community. The collective is made up of a diverse group of individuals from different backgrounds, abilities and genders. Our organisation, past and present, includes, foundationally, BIPOC members, queer, trans, and non-binary folk, disabled and neurodivergent people, as well as students, professionals, artists, and self-employed individuals, who, together, contribute to the well being of our shared space.
BIPOC members helped found Camas, and Indigenous community and collective members were integral to its naming in honour of the Camas plant. We respect our BIPOC members and stand by them in denouncing all authoritarians and reactionaries, both political and interpersonal.
Over the years we have faced many challenges, which is to be expected when opposing the state, capitalism, and hierarchies. To this end, we combat misinformation, disinformation, and lies, whether promoted by mainstream sources, state actors, or misguided reactionaries. Through it all, we have maintained our integrity and this is why we feel it is important to emphasise our position once again during times of political upheaval:
We stand in solidarity with everyone facing imperialist violence, and we reject the idea that authoritarianism is the solution to imperialism. These are the reasons why our community trusts us and comes to the Infoshop for their educational needs, and to connect with like-minded individuals and collectives. We are currently planning more events that demonstrate our values, and show our support for oppressed peoples at home and around the world.
The Camas Collective, December 10, 2023
The No State Solution: A Dialogue with Palestinian sociologist Mohammed Bamyeh and Israeli political scientist Uri Gordon

How can anarchist perspectives contribute to Palestinian liberation?
Join Palestinian sociologist Mohammed Bamyeh and Israeli political scientist Uri Gordon as they consider this question.
Professor Mohammed Bamyeh, Department of Sociology, University of Pittsburgh, is author of Anarchy as Order: The History and Future of Civic Humanity (2009)
Dr. Uri Gordon, author of Anarchy Alive!: Anti-Authoritarian Politics from Practice to Theory (2007), is an Independent scholar now based in the UK.
This event took place on the unceded Territories of the Lekwungen-speaking peoples now known as the Songhees and Esquimalt in Victoria, BC Canada, and in the U.K. via Zoom on January 28, 2024
Cosponsored by: Camas Books & Infoshop, Anarchist Archive @UVic, Sunset Labs, Anarchist Network Vancouver Island (ANVI)
Visit our YouTube Feed to hear the recording: https://camas.ca/nostate

Stop the Sweeps
Camas Books & Infoshop strongly condemns the “Pandora Avenue bylaw sweeps" that took place last week on May 16th and May 17th 2024 that were coordinated by the City of Victoria bylaw officers and the Victoria Police Department (VICPD) on unceded Lekwungen territories.
We believe that everyone regardless of disability, mental health, social economic situation, religion, ethnicity, or identity deserves shelter, safety, food, access to health & social services, as well as personal autonomy of body, mind and personal possessions, without the fear of being violently evicted.
Camas is committed to the decolonization of urban spaces meaning ending the moninitizing of public spaces in the name of profit, economic development and consumerism at the expense of human lives.
We stand in solidarity with every unhoused individual and similar community encampments across Turtle Island.
The Camas Collective, May 26, 2024
About Our Shop: Accessibility
Camas Books strives to make the Infoshop a safer space for Indigenous, Black, and people of colour; queer, non-binary and trans folks, and people of varying physical and cognitive abilities to participate fully and have their perspectives validated. Let’s not reproduce white supremacy, colonialism, binary-cis-heteronormativity, ableism, sanism, classism, or ageism.
Please let us know if you have any accessibility needs. The Camas Collective works to provide a safe and accessible space for people to put on events, look for alternative books, and to share ideas. If you need to call in advance of your visit you can reach us at 250-381-0585. We are happy to work with you to make Camas accessible for you.
Camas bookshop is accessible at street level, with a 1-inch ramp smoothing over the door sill. The door opens outward and is non-automatic. Let us know if you will need assistance with the door.
Kids are very welcome! Kids books are located at the back of the store. Feel free to look at our selection and bring items kids are interested in up to the couches to comfortably read them.
The single-stall washroom, although on one level with the shop, is NOT wheelchair accessible. There is an accessible washroom in Cafe Fantastico if you enter through the upper level side door off King’s Street.
This is a low-scent space so please avoid wearing scents.
If leaving to smoke, please move well away from the doorway to avoid carrying in smoke when doors open and please take five minutes to air off clothing before coming back inside.
The shop has overhead LED lighting.
Camas Books features a small couch and three backless ottomans. Additional use of padded folding chairs may be requested.